Frequently Asked Questions

**For specific information about Virtual Physiotherapy Appointments scroll to the bottom of the page


Do I need a doctor’s referral for physiotherapy?

No. You do not need a referral from your physician in order to attend physiotherapy. Physiotherapists are primary healthcare providers, and you can access them directly. We have extensive training in how to identify any concerning issues and diagnose your condition.


I was referred to another Physiotherapy clinic by my doctor, can I come to your clinic instead?

Yes. You are free to attend physiotherapy anywhere you like, at any clinic of your choosing.


How do I know if Physiotherapy is for me?

If you have not been to physiotherapy before, it is understandable that you may some questions before booking. If this is the case, I am happy to offer you a free, 10 minutes consultation, to speak about your condition, your goals and decide on the best plan of action for you. 


What can I expect in my initial assessment appointment?

At your initial visit, I will conduct an interview and comprehensive physical assessment in order to understand your symptoms, goals, provide you with a diagnosis and answer any questions you may have. Your first appointment will also include some treatment in order to start you on your path to healing.


What can I expect during a treatment session?

Each treatment session will vary, depending on your current symptoms, your diagnosis, stage of healing and your individual goals. However, a typical session will include some manual (hands-on) therapy, simple and specific exercises customized for you, tips and tools to help you manage your condition outside of the clinic, and may include acupuncture and/or taping, and posture correction.


How many treatment sessions will I need?

Each person brings a different set of circumstances with them to physiotherapy and so this will be assessed on an individual basis.  During your initial assessment appointment, I will develop a personalized treatment plan and discuss the details with you, so that you know what will be required to get you better.


What do I need to bring? What should I wear?

Please bring any test results or radiology reports (X-ray’s, CT scans or MRI’s) you may have that are relevant to your injury or condition. In order to assess your movements and limitations properly, it is best for you to wear looser fitting clothing that allows you to move freely and allows you to comfortably expose the area to be assessed. Usually shorts and a T-shirt or a tank-top will be sufficient. There is a restroom inside the clinic where you can change once you arrive, or you can change directly in the treatment room.


What do I do when I arrive?

You will have filled out your intake form online before arriving for your initial appointment, so when you arrive, you are welcome to wait In the waiting room and I with be with you shortly. If you were unable to fill out the intake form online, please arrive a few minutes early and you will be able to fill it out online in the clinic, before your appointment begins.  


Does OHIP or my insurance cover the cost of physiotherapy?

No, unfortunately our services are not covered by OHIP. If you have extended health benefits through work or through a family member, then I will provide you with a receipt that you can submit for reimbursement.


Can you bill my insurance directly?

Unfortunately, Root Physiotherapy is not yet set up to bill insurance companies directly. However, as the clinic grows, this may become an option. 


Are there additional fees if I need ACUPUNCTURE or Dry Needling?

No. If acupuncture or dry needling are appropriate for you, it will be included as part of your physiotherapy treatment sessions. Please note, that Root Physiotherapy cannot bill for acupuncture separately, even if your insurance provides separate coverage for these services.


How do I book a private yoga session?

I am very happy to set up private yoga sessions that are tailored to your specific goals, wants and needs.  If you are interested in a private yoga session, please book an “initial assessment” as your first appointment. 


Does Root Physiotherapy run yoga classes?

Yes, every quarter I run small group yoga classes at Root Physiotherapy. These classes will have only 5-6 students per class and run in a session format, with 10-12 weeks in each session. I am currently running a “Lunchtime Express” class on Thursdays at noon.


Do you treat motor vehicle collision (MVC) patients and patients with workplace injuries (WSIB)?

No. Unfortunately Root Physiotherapy does not currently accept new patients with active MVC or WSIB claims.


Will you contact my doctor to discuss your findings from my assessment?

Yes, with your permission, I am happy to write a letter to your doctor and/or other members of your healthcare team to discuss your diagnosis and our agreed upon physiotherapy treatment plan. This way, you can be sure that you are getting consistent care. I can also send a letter again, upon your discharge, once you have completed your physiotherapy care.


What is a Virtual Physiotherapy Appointment?

Virtual Physiotherapy is the remote delivery of physiotherapy services to patients via video calls. It may be appropriate for both new and existing patients who are in need of physiotherapy services but are unable to travel to the clinic, for example during the COVID-19 pandemic when there is a strong need for physical distancing.

What can we do during my Virtual Appointment?

We can:

  • provide a physiotherapy consultation and reassurance

  • progress your current treatment plan

  • observe, prescribe and modify exercises

  • answer any questions you may have

  • provide an ergonomic assessment

  • provide patient education and information to help you treat yourself at home

We cannot:

  • provide manual therapy

  • perform dry needling/acupuncture

What do you need from me before starting my virtual session?

  1. An emergency contact should something happen to you during your session, as well as local emergency services numbers if they are different than 911

  2. A safe and clear space (6’x6’ area) around you to move and exercise

  3. An alternative way to communicate in case there is a disconnection (ie. phone)

Is Virtual Physiotherapy covered under my extended healthcare benefits?

Insurance policies are evolving constantly in response to the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks like many of the major insurance providers are now covering telehealth for physiotherapy or virtual physiotherapy appointments. However, please check directly with your insurance company to see if your plan covers telehealth or virtual care for physiotherapy services.

What information is provided on my virtual appointment receipt?

Your online appointment receipt will include all the same information as an in-clinic receipt: name, date of birth, address, date of appointment, duration of appointment, treating physiotherapist, and his/her college registration number. In addition, the receipt will indicate that a virtual appointment has taken place.

How do I schedule and pay for a Virtual Physiotherapy session?

Booking a virtual appointment is the same as it has always been - you can book online, or contact me by phone or email to book. Payment is done through Jane Payments, a secure and encrypted payment processing platform. All appointments are reserved once a credit card is stored in your patient profile. Once your session is complete, with the exception of the complimentary Discovery Session, your credit card will be charged and a receipt emailed to you. Please note that I maintain a 24 hour cancellation policy.

What if I am having trouble connecting with my Physiotherapist at the time of my appointment?

You should receive an email link to join your virtual physiotherapy session shortly before the appointment time. If you have having trouble connecting with your physiotherapist, please stay online and check your inbox (and sometimes junkmail) and phone for incoming further instructions. I will be in touch to help you get connected.

How do I LOGIN to my Online Appointment?

Here are specific instructions from Janeapp, including an instructional video, for how to LOGIN to your online or virtual appointment.