January 2022 Covid-19 Protocols for In-Person Appointments
Before your Appointment
1. The morning of your appointment, you will receive an online COVID-19 screening questionnaire for you to fill out BEFORE arriving for your appointment. Please click here to see the current screening questions.
2. If you are feeling ill in any way, please stay home – I am happy to reschedule your appointment to a time when you are feeling well again. I will not charge for cancellations due to illness during the pandemic.
3. Bring a mask and put it on before entering the building – cloth or disposable are both fine.
*I am asking that all patients wear a medical grade mask that securely covers your nose and mouth, at all times while in the clinic. If you do not have one, I will be happy to provide you with one at the start of your appointment - you can either place it over top of your existing mask or switch. If you have an N95 or KN95 mask on already, you do not need to switch.
4. Feel free to pack a change of clothes to change into after your appointment if you like.
5. I would encourage you to use the washroom before leaving home to minimize traffic in our washroom. Rest assured, our washroom is there if you need it.
6. Please plan to come to your appointment alone if possible; however, if you need assistance for any reason or need to bring your child along with you, please just let me know before your appointment so we can make accommodations.
7. Once you arrive at 30 Dupont Street East, please wait in your vehicle or outside the building if you are arriving on foot. I will call you once my office is clear and thoroughly cleaned, and I am ready for you.
8. Please leave all non-essential personal items at home or in your vehicle.
Arriving at your Appointment
1. Upon entering the clinic, please remove your outdoor shoes at the door and then clean your hands for 20 seconds with hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer will be set out just inside our clinic door and inside my office.
2. We will then review the COVID-19 screening questions in person, which may include a body temperature check with a contactless thermometer.
During your Appointment
1. To protect both of us, I will be wearing a mask and face shield. For certain techniques I will also wear gloves and possibly a gown. I will be wearing clothing that is only worn in the clinic.
2. We will maintain physical distancing (2 m) whenever possible, and close this gap only when essential for hands on assessment or treatment.
3. Please avoid touching your face or your mask as much as possible. Any time you touch any equipment or other surfaces, you can re-sanitize your hands at one of the many stations set up around the clinic.
4. Appointments will otherwise run as per usual – hands on assessment and treatment, manual therapy, acupuncture and dry needling are all available to you.
After your Appointment
1. We can book your next appointment before you leave, or you can book your next appointment online.
2. Virtual appointments and in-person appointments are both available to you. A hybrid model of in-person and virtual appointments can be used to reduce risk – we can choose whatever you are most comfortable with and is best for your care. Please feel free to discuss this with me at any time. **At any time, if you have an in-person appointment booked and you would like to switch it to a virtual appointment in the same time slot, please just let me know, it takes literally 2 clicks.
3. Billing can be done via Square tap, e-transfer or Jane Payments – a secure online payment processing system through Stripe. Jane Payments accepts VISA and Mastercard and your card can then be saved in this system for future payments.
4. Your receipt will be emailed to you once payment is received.
5. Please sanitize your hands again before leaving the building.
Behind the Scenes
1. There will be an extra 15-minute buffer between patients to allow time for disinfecting the treatment room and all high touch surfaces in the clinic between appointments. All cleaners/disinfecting agents and hand sanitizers used in the clinic are approved by Health Canada to be effective for COVID-19.
2. All linens will be changed between patients and laundered on the highest heat settings.
3. I will be completing a COVID-19 self-screen, including body temperature check before each in-clinic work day, and completing rapid tests twice per week. I will contact you immediately if I am unable to work due to a positive screen/symptoms.
If you have any questions you would like to ask before arriving for your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact me via phone or email.